The Animal-Lover’s Dilemma: I Don’t Eat Meat, but My Pet Does

It is certainly a dilemma.

About Clare L

Photographer. Londoner. BSc. MSc. ARPS. RHS trained Horticulturist gone rogue.

2 responses to “The Animal-Lover’s Dilemma: I Don’t Eat Meat, but My Pet Does”

  1. Ashley (escapebybeauty) says :

    My cat eats plant-based 🙂 Evolution brand. I’ve heard (anecdotally and by blood tests) many people who say their cats/dogs are significantly healthier after going off meat! Some people say “but they are carnivores and need meat!” Well yes they are, but they need the *nutrients* found in meat, which are actually often synthetically replaced back into conventional pet foods because cooking destroys them (ie Taurine). Unless you are feeding your pet plant-based, you are 100% supporting animal agriculture, which vegans obviously don’t want to do. Therefore as a vegan who cares for all animals, my pets eat plant-based 🙂 Any questions, just ask!

  2. Ashley (escapebybeauty) says :

    My cat eats plant-based. Evolution brand 🙂 It’s the only way for vegans to actually not profit the animal agriculture industries, and not harm *any* animals for food. Any questions, just ask 🙂

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