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Cadbury’s calves shot to feed hunt’s hounds | UK | News | Daily Express

The facts of life on dairy farms. Male calves shot at birth because they can’t be milked as adults. What a vile industry we’re all funding…

Why do you care about dogs and not humans?

One of those persistent whines I hear from even vaguely sensible people is: “Why do you care so much about animals? Don’t you care about people?”. Where is the rule which states that if you care about wildlife, and pets and farm animals, you can’t also care about people animals? I’ve never seen it. That’s because it doesn’t exist. Compassion is generally not an either/or issue. One doesn’t exclude the other. Indeed, I regularly donate to Amnesty, and NSPCC. I care about people, generally speaking.

The thing about having this wild idea about equality for all, the right to life and certain freedoms, standing against injustice, and not believing in segregation according to race, creed or colour, is that it can and should include ALL animals. Vegans tend to be human rights campaigners, too. They should be human rights campaigners. If you are against slavery, why on earth would you buy dairy products? Slavery is slavery, regardless of species. White people once thought black people couldn’t feel pain or suffer emotionally when their children were taken from them… Yes, really.

We are all animals.