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It’s time Scotland took on landed interests over animal protections

Mountain hares winning protected species in Scotland was an amazing achievement for Alison Johnstone and the Greens in Scotland. At least 26,000 mountain hares are killed per year, a number which is most likely to be an under-estimate. The backlash from estates was intense. It always is. They do not appear to like their behaviours exposed to the public.

Week after week we hear of raptors (often protected species) killed on estates in Scotland and the rest of the UK, in particular Yorkshire and Derbyshire. This article outlines the need to push harder against large estates and the power they wield in Parliament. Too many estates persecute native wildlife and have done for centuries, usually for the benefit of non-native birds which will be shot (a sport paid for and often subsidised) and agricultural animals. I believe it is also about power and greed.

Land owners have a responsibility to stop and change this outdated approach. We can’t let the systematic destruction of our wildlife on these estates slide any longer. It’s insidious and pervasive, and needs to be stopped.

Maned wolf | Smithsonian’s National Zoo

More on the maned wolf, my new favourite animal. Genus Chrysostom.

10 Leggy Facts About the Maned Wolf

I may have found my spirit animal. Chrysocyon brachyurus, Maned Wolf. Magnificent Canidae, prehistoric carnivora lineage. I love them! Can I study them?