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‘Extreme’ fossil fuel investments have surged under Donald Trump, report reveals

‘Extreme’ fossil fuel investments have surged under Donald Trump, report reveals

Following on from the last post with projections of 10cm sea level rise as glaciers melt, as a result of climate change, banks are responsible for much of our climate change by merrily investing in dirty fossil fuels despite knowing the impact and consequences. Is money really all that matters to these people? If your bank is one of them, dump them.

“RAN spokeswoman, Alison Kirsch, accused banks such as JPMorgan Chase of “moving backwards in lockstep with their wrongheaded political leaders”.

“If we are to have any chance of halting catastrophic climate change, there must be an end of expansion and complete phase-out of these dangerous energy sources,” she said. “Banks need to be accountable and implement policies guarding against extreme fossil fuel funding.”

Glacier shrinkage is past the point of no return : Research Highlights

Today’s post is brought to you by, “What the hell are we doing?” And “Oh shit.”

Warming since the late nineteenth century has led to a marked retreat of most of the world’s glaciers. Ben Marzeion at the University of Bremen in Germany and his colleagues simulated the long-term response of thousands of glaciers to recent and projected climate change. The researchers found that glaciers are already committed to enough shrinkage to raise global sea levels by about 10 centimetres, even if global temperatures do not rise any further for centuries.

Seal poo reveals plastic’s path in the sea : Research Highlights

Almost one-third of the fish and nearly half of the seal-faeces samples contained one to four plastic fibres and fragments. Among the most common was polyethylene, which is found in plastic bags and bottles.

I am an Arctic researcher. Donald Trump is deleting my citations

I am an Arctic researcher. Donald Trump is deleting my citations

I’m stunned by this article. First of all, I had no idea the previous Canadian government destroyed 100 years of Arctic climate data. Secondly, we joke about Trump’s corruption, greedy business mind and being bought off by the Russians and huge corporations (does he think money is all that there is?), and his utter stupidity when tweeting about climate (“It’s freezing where I am so there cannot be global warming”), but this is real. This is systematic, deliberate climate change denial on behalf of big oil and other huge corporations because…money. 

How are we allowing this? How are people becoming so blindly led, so brainwashed, so indignant and angry at the wrong people, at each other, instead of at those who have the power to destroy anything they want and are doing so. These very people are our downfall – of everyone, planet-wide. They deny science and deny fact to protect profit and greed, at all of our expense and at the expense of our precious living planet. 

Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change: NOAA and AMS Issue Annual Report | PLOS Ecology Community

“Without exception, all the heat-related events studied in this year’s report were found to have been made more intense or likely due to human-induced climate change, and this was discernible even for those events strongly influenced by the 2015 El Niño.” — from Explaining Extreme Events From A Climate Perspective 2015″

Turtles suffer ‘Floater Syndrome’ when they ingest plastic – Telegraph

Turtles suffering ‘floater syndrome’, caused by ingesting plastics in the ocean. We have created a ticking time bomb in everything plastic.

Anyone with half a brain could see this happening 40 years ago. I remember as a very young kid thinking that plastics were a disaster and wondering at the insanity of humans throwing away something that doesn’t degrade. A child could use logic to see the stupidity of creating a plastic disposable world. Why couldn’t governments? Where did we think it would go? Why did we allow this to happen?!

Watch “Animal Rights.” on YouTube

Speech by Philip Wollen. Art by Jo Frederiks.

Are you vegan yet?