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US-appointed egg lobby paid food blogs and targeted chef to crush vegan startup

US-appointed egg lobby paid food blogs and targeted chef to crush vegan startup

Propaganda, brain-washing, ramming it down our throats, food police, agenda…sound familiar?

Veganism is a social justice movement, amongst many other things. It’s about freedom from oppression, tackling damaging and detrimental assumptions about the human species’ place in the world and liberating those who are abused and killed in their billions. Meanwhile, governments want to maintain the status quo of mindlessly using and abusing other animals for human pleasure and profit because…they can. Because it’s easy to turn living, feeling animals into commodities – ‘products’ – and commit mindless mass slaughter when those animals have no voice.

And because…profit. Money is the root of all evil? It certainly is where factory farming is concerned.

Watch “Animal Rights.” on YouTube

Speech by Philip Wollen. Art by Jo Frederiks.

Are you vegan yet?

‘Carnivore cleansing’ is damaging ecosystems, scientists warn

‘Carnivore cleansing’ is damaging ecosystems, scientists warn

Predator persecution is not acceptable. Without human intervention ecosystems function just fine, with species numbers keeping their own checks and balances. Hunting and farming are having a seriously detrimental effect on ecosystems. This message can’t be said or shared enough times.

Unfortunately, from my experience of discussions on the subject, hunters don’t appear to be the most open-minded groups of people and tend to conveniently believe and regurgitate the myth that hunting equals conservation. This extends, of course, to trophy hunters who like to claim their hunting of Africa’s top predators somehow equates to a great humanitarian effort for the people in the region.

Scientific culling doesn’t help the argument against killing predators as it muddies any message that ecosystems should ideally be left to their own devices and species should not need to be ‘managed’ by humans. Culling is often then used as an excuse to kill any number of species. Ultimately, it’s up to governments to end hunting of all species all together.

I tend to feel any hunting equates to simple blood lust and the perverse enjoyment of killing (which clearly indicates psychotic tendencies), along with a greedy and short-sighted desire to clear more land or manage land upon which we rear non-native, intensively farmed animals (this includes grouse shooting in the UK, as the persecuted hen harrier population demonstrates).

I know that I would far rather see flourishing ecosystems and wholly natural spaces than acre upon acre of barren landscape dotted with cows or sheds full of meat industry slaves.

Bobby Bob Bob » Tamara Kenneally Photography

I love Tamara Keneally’s photography. She has a rare talent to draw out and show off each animal’s personality in her images.