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Sea Shepherd are making a film! Fantastic. This combines my two favourite things – and my two degree subjects – in one amazing project, hence my delight at reading this news. This is why I’m studying what I study. Art and science combined to educate and motivate us all to make the vital changes we need to make to halt this destructive path that our species is on.

The Gofundme page is in the link!

Turtles suffer ‘Floater Syndrome’ when they ingest plastic – Telegraph

Turtles suffering ‘floater syndrome’, caused by ingesting plastics in the ocean. We have created a ticking time bomb in everything plastic.

Anyone with half a brain could see this happening 40 years ago. I remember as a very young kid thinking that plastics were a disaster and wondering at the insanity of humans throwing away something that doesn’t degrade. A child could use logic to see the stupidity of creating a plastic disposable world. Why couldn’t governments? Where did we think it would go? Why did we allow this to happen?!

Indonesia faces waste management crisis – BBC News

10,000 tonnes of rubbish a day in this area of the world alone. Plastic litters the rivers and kills off marine life everywhere it lands.

Consumerism is a dirty word as far as I’m concerned. Too many people, too much rubbish! We are consuming ourselves out of a home with plastic junk that no one needs and tonnes of wasted food. The world has gone crazy.

Toxic chemicals in Scottish waters wiping out killer whales – The Scotsman

It seems PCBs can remain in the environment for a long time; these aren’t the only orca populations becoming sick and dying from PCB contamination. It’s a very sad state of affairs for resident orca in the UK, and worldwide.

National Parks Go Toe-to-Toe with ‘Big Water’ Over Plastic Bottle Waste | Earthjustice

“In an effort to cut back on water bottle waste, the National Park Service is making a change. Nineteen National Parks have stopped selling bottled water at their concession stands, offering public water bottle filling stations instead”

These National Parks in the US are offering public water filling stations instead. Bravo! It’s about time we stopped this water bottle madness. Plastic pollution is a global problem which threatens far too many species’ very existence.

Europe – Interpol highlights crimes against the environment ahead of COP21 – France 24

Environmental crimes need to be taken far, far more seriously. The time is now. From poaching to destruction of pristine forests to redwood harvesting to ivory to trawlers fishing away entire swathes of ocean to dumping toxic waste to river pollution to dolphin hunts… It’s time to take this sh*t seriously.

China, you’re first on the list!