Brain Scans Show Vegetarians and Vegans Are More Empathic than Omnivores | Psychology Today

Is this surprising? Not remotely, in my opinion. Think about it. You kind of have to have a stronger-than-average ability or tendency to empathise to get to the point of thinking: “I can’t continue to contribute to industrial animal farming. I can’t continue to eat animals I claim to love.” Take that a little bit further… recognise and empathise with the brutal, systematic violence and abuse of dairy farming; egg hatcheries that grind all male chicks alive; the deeply unhealthy, perverse breeding of animals to produce more eggs, more milk, more meat, more wool… It’s not a huge stretch for someone who can feel as they feel to see why that kind of person would go vegan in a heartbeat (and consequently suffer emotional trauma and depression in the process of enlightenment – covered in my second blog link for today).

Of course veggies and vegans are more empathetic. How could we not be?

About Clare L

Photographer. Londoner. BSc. MSc. ARPS. RHS trained Horticulturist gone rogue.

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